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2013 Chevrolet Camaro LS

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2013 Chevrolet Camaro LS2013 Chevrolet Camaro LS2013 Chevrolet Camaro LS
Body Type:2dr Car
Vehicle Title:Clear
Engine:Gas V6 3.6L/217
Drive Type:2dr Cpe LS w/2LS
Power Options:--
Fuel Type:Gasoline
Sub Model:LS
Exterior Color:Black
Number of Cylinders:6
Interior Color:Black
Price: (Approximately ##1##)
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 View All Images 2013 Chevrolet Camaro LS 50785 Miles Black 2dr Car Gas V6 3.6L/217 Automatic@@@6623150@@@ Stock #: TD9183832 Exterior Color: Black Interior Color: Black Body Type: 2dr Car Transmission: Automatic Drivetrain: RWD Fuel Type: Gasoline Fuel Engine: Gas V6 3.6L/217 Title Condition: Clear City 18 mpg Hwy 27 mpg Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions and driving habits. Vehicle Description 2013 Chevrolet Camaro LS with 50,785 Miles, Black Exterior, Black Interior, Smart Device Integration, Full Power Accessories, Power Outlet, Air Conditioning, Cruise Control, Auxiliary Input, Steel Wheels, One Owner, Clean Carfax.Low Sonic Price!! CALL, E-MAIL or CHAT with us today to schedule your VIP APPOINTMENT for test drive! Our Sales Specialist are standing by to answer all of your questions and help make your buying experience here at Momentum Jaguar Land Rover Volvo Porsche your best e...xperience yet! /s/ Vehicle Equipment Exterior Features Door handles, body-colorHeadlamps, halogen composite with automatic exterior lamp controlMirrors, outside power-adjustable body-colorMoldings, body-color lower rockerTire sealant and inflator kit in place of spare tireWheels, 18" (45.7 cm) heritage steel Fascias, front and rear body-color with front grille and rear diffuserHood blanket with debossed Chevrolet bowtieMolding, Black roof ditchSpoiler, rearTires, P245/55R18 touring, blackwall, all-seasonWipers, front intermittent Interior Features Air conditioning, single-zone manualCoat hooks, driver- and passenger-side rearConsole, floor, with armrestCup holders, frontDefogger, rear-window, electricFloor mats, carpeted frontInstrumentation, analog with Driver Information Center display, includes speedometer, tachometer, fuel gauge and engine temperature gaugeLighting, interior dome with illuminated entry and theater dimmingMirror, inside rearview manual day/nightRemote Keyless EntrySeat adjuster, front passenger 2-way manual (fore/aft) with power reclinerSeats, front Sport bucket includes adjustable head restraints and folding rear seat with trunk pass-throughSteering column, manual rake and telescopicTheft-deterrent system, PASS-Key IIIVisors, driver and front passenger vanity mirrors, covered Air filtration system with pollen filterCompass, located in Driver Information CenterCruise control, electronic with set and resume speed, steering wheel mountedDead pedal, driverDoor locks, power programmable with lockout protectionGlovebox, lockableLighting, front reading lampsMap pockets, front doorsPower outlets, auxiliary located in center console storage area and located at front of center consoleSeat adjuster, driver 4-way manual (fore/aft, up/down) with power reclinerSeat trim, LS Cloth seat trimShift knob, urethaneSteering wheel, 3-spoke, urethaneTrunk release, remote, located on driver-sideWindows, power with driver and passenger Express-Down/Up Mechanical Features Alternator, 150 ampsBattery, maintenance-free with rundown protection and retained accessory powerEngine, 3.6L SIDI DOHC V6 VVT (323 hp [240.8 kW] 6800 rpm, 278 lb-ft of torque [375.3 N-m] 4800 rpm)Rear wheel driveSuspension, Sport Axle, 2.92 ratioBrakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc (Single piston front brakes with super corner rear brakes.)Exhaust, dual-outlet stainless-steel with polished tipsSteering, power, variable ratioTransmission, 6-speed automatic includes TAPshift manual shift controls on steering wheel Safety Features Air bags, dual-stage frontal, and thorax side-impact, driver and front passenger, and head curtain side-impact, front and rear outboard seating positions includes Passenger Sensing System (Always use safety belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner's Manual for more information.)Daytime Running LampsOnStar Turn-by-Turn NavigationSafety belt pretensioners driver and front passengerStabiliTrak, stability control system with traction controlTire Pressure Monitoring System Automatic Crash ResponseLATCH system (Lower Anchors and Top tethers for CHildren) for child safety seatsOnStar, months of Directions and Connections plan includes, Automatic Crash Response, Emergency Services, Crisis Assist, First Assist, Injury Severity Predictor, Stolen Vehicle Assistance, Stolen Vehicle Slowdown, Remote Ignition Block, Remote Door Unlock, Roadside Assistance, Remote Horn and Lights, Turn-by-Turn Navigation with OnStar eNav, OnStar Vehicle Diagnostics, Hands Free Calling and available OnStar RemoteLink mobile app. (Visit for details and system limitations.)Safety belts, 3-point, all seating positionsStolen Vehicle AssistanceTrunk emergency release handle Entertainment Features Antenna, integral rear windowAudio system feature 6-speaker systemBluetooth for phone, personal cell phone connectivity to vehicle audio systemSteering wheel controls, mounted audio controls Antenna, OnStar and SiriusXM Satellite Radio fin-type, Black, located on roofAudio system, AM/FM stereo with CD-ROM and MP3 playback music navigator, Graphic Information Display (GID) and auxiliary input jack, includes outside temperature displaySiriusXM Satellite Radio is standard on nearly all 2013 GM models. Enjoy 3-month trial to the XM Premier package, with over 140 channels including commercial-free music, all your favorite sports, exclusive talk and entertainment. And now add premium channels to your trial at no cost. Welcome to the world of satellite radio. (If you subscribe after your trial period, subscriptions are continuous until you call SiriusXM to cancel. See SiriusXM Customer Agreement for complete terms at Other fees and taxes will apply. All fees and programming subject to change.) A complete vehicle history report is available for this vehicle
See the full Vehicle History Report Vehicle Warranty Check for open recalls New Vehicles come with full-factory warranty. Used vehicles may have remaining-factory warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle. About Momentum Jaguar Land Rover Volvo Secure Credit Application Buy with confidence, as Momentum Motorcars has been serving the Houston and surrounding areas for over 20 years. We are Franchised Dealer for Land Rover, Porsche, Jaguar and Volvo and we are owned by Sonic Automotive Group, fortune 300 company and one of the nation’s largest automotive retailers.   Call or Text Travis Thibodeaux at 832-645-4537 or email travis.thibodeaux@momentumjvp.com.   At Momentum we work hard to be sure our customers get the best price and service before, during and after your purchase. We have huge selection of quality vehicles at unbeatable prices. Give me call when you are ready and see for yourself just how easy it is to purchase vehicle at Momentum! am committed to my customers and am always available by phone, text or email. If you get my voicemail, please leave message and will call you back at my first available opportunity. Terms and Conditions Payment Options We accept the following payment methods:
- Cashier's Check/money order
- Cash (in person)
- Personal check (once cleared)
Vehicle Pickup Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. General Terms Notice to Bidders: All of the vehicles we list on eBay are for sale locally.  We reserve the right to end an auction early.  All cars are immediately ready for delivery upon sale.   Prices subject to change without notice and do not include Title, License, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes or Processing Fees, if any. Please contact seller first for vehicle availability. Although every effort is made to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to time of sale. No expressed or implied warranties, including the availability or condition of the equipment listed is made. EPA mileage estimates for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary depending on driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle maintenance.   Placing Bid: Your bid constitutes legally binding contract to purchase this vehicle. Please do not bid if you're not seriously interested or financially able to purchase this vehicle. Please read eBay's User Agreement Momentum Jaguar Volvo Porsche and Land Rover reserves the right to, Obtain and verify the registered information of all users who bid on this auction. Cancel any and all bids at our discretion, or end the auction early if necessary. Bidders Age: You must be 18 years of age or older to Bid. Special eBay Bid Retraction Rules: Please read eBay's "Retracting Bid" If you place bid before the last 12-hour period of the auction: You may retract that bid before that last 12-hour period but only for exceptional circumstances. You will not be allowed to retract that bid during the last 12-hour period of the auction. If you place bid during the last 12-hour period of the auction: You will be allowed to retract the bid for exceptional circumstances but only if you do so within one hour after placing the bid. Funds Financing: For help in arranging for Pre-Approved loan or for any questions please travis.thibodeaux@momentumjvp.com or phone Travis Thibodeaux 832-645-4537 prior to bidding. All prices plus tax, tag, title, Documentary Fee $157.25, and $497 Dealer Service Charge.  The sale of any new or used vehicle is subject to our mandatory fees in addition to any negotiated vehicle price. Buyers Inspection: Momentum Jaguar Volvo Porsche and Land Rover has done our best to disclose all information known about this vehicle for auction. Momentum Jaguar Volvo Porsche and Land Rover welcomes buyers inspection. If you plan to have buyers inspection, please make sure you inspect the vehicle prior to the auction ending. Inspection fees if any are Buyers responsibility. Representations and Warranties made by seller: This vehicle is being sold "as is" unless it is being offered as Certified Pre-Owned vehicle. Manufacturers warranties may still apply. Vehicle Service Contracts may be available, email travis.thibodeaux@momentumjvp.com or phone Travis Thibodeaux at 832-645-4537 for details. If you do not get written warranty, and the seller does not enter into service contract within 90 days from the date of this contract, the seller makes no warranties, express or implied, on the vehicle, and there will be no implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for particular purpose. This provision does not affect any warranty covering the vehicle that the vehicle manufacturer may provide. If the seller has sold you certified used vehicle, the warrant of merchantability is not disclaimed. Taxes and Registration fees: Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title service fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. All taxes and fees must be paid in full in order for vehicle to be titled and registered. Fees for taxes and tag are not included in the price. There may also be document processing charge for which the buyer will be responsible. Title Information: Vehicles titles may be held by banks or lenders as collateral for loans. In many cases there is delay in receiving the original instruments up to 21 days from the time we pay vehicle off. While we usually have all titles in our possession at closing, there are occasions where we may be waiting for them to arrive. If payment is made by cashier's or personal checks we will hold all titles for 10 days or until funds have cleared. Shipping Delivery: All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. Momentum Jaguar Volvo Land Rover will help with shipping arrangements but will not be responsible in any way for claims arising from shipping damage! Licensed Carriers are generally insured for $3,000,000.00. We assume no responsibility for damages incurred after the vehicle leaves our showroom. All shipping arrangements are provided by Momentum Jaguar Volvo Land Rover as courtesy. We are not affiliated with any carrier. Any claims or other communication regarding shipment of vehicles will be between you and the shipper, not with Momentum Jaguar Volvo Land Rover. The amount of time it takes for delivery is dependent on the carrier, but is generally 7-14 days from the date the vehicle is picked up from our facility until it is delivered to your destination. Verify with the shipper for an Estimate Time of Arrival to be sure. Finalizing your Purchase:  Momentum Jaguar Volvo Land Rover will contact the successful high bidder by e-mail after the auction closes. -Successful high bidder MUST communicate with Travis Thibodeaux at 832-645-4537 within 24 hours of the auction ending to make arrangements to complete their transaction. If we cannot confirm your intention to buy or the sale is not completed within 3 days, we reserve the right to relist this vehicle or sell to any other qualified buyer. In order to secure bid on vehicle, Successful bidder (BUYER) must within 24 hours of bid closing send to Seller Deposit in the amount of 10% by major credit card, cash in person or bank certified funds. Within 72 hours of bid closing, Buyer must send balance of funds by cash in person or bank certified funds to Seller. At time of sending initial deposit, Buyer MUST fax copy of their State issued valid Driver License. Furthermore, before said vehicle is released for shipment to Buyer, all other Sale related and title related paperwork must be signed and returned complete to Seller. Fees and Taxes Sales tax, title, license fee, registration fee, dealer documentary fee $157.25, inventory tax 0.002113 of sales price, finance charges, dealer service fee $497, emission testing fees, and compliance fees are additional to the advertised price. Vehicle is listed locally, we reserve the right to end the auction at any time.

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Comments and questions to the seller:
