
1975 Chevrolet Camaro

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1975 Chevrolet Camaro1975 Chevrolet Camaro1975 Chevrolet Camaro
Body Type:Coupe
Vehicle Title:Other
Engine:350 V8
Exterior Color:Black
Interior Color:Black
Price: US $3,995.00
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Gas Monkey Garage
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This is good Pro Street/Touring/Resto Mod candidate built at the Norwood, OH plant with 350 V8 Automatic Transmission. It does run and drive with new Transmission and Torque convertor from Summit Racing.This is solid and fairly complete car that has been driven throughout the years and is proud to show its experience with re-paint that is losing the battle with the elements and needs some love to return it to its former glory. The body shows its age as well with some nicks, cracks and scratches (see all 100 pics). The lower front valance has been removed and would look good with an aftermarket spoiler installed (not included). nice set of what appear to be American Racing Torque Thrust wheels and tires are installed as well.Interior pics show fairly complete interior that has seen better days and would benefit from some TLC as well with torn driver's seat cover and cracked dash (again see all pics). There is an aftermarket Tach strategically placed as well as Kenwood stereo and Sun Pro aux gauge set. The Grant GT steering wheel is period correct addition.The engine compartment shows the 350 CID V8 with Power steering, Power Brakes and normal aftermarket additions such as chrome valve covers and air cleaner.Underside photos reveal solid chassis with superficial rust present on some components as pictured. While this car does run and drive, it will need to be completely inspected and serviced before any extended driving to ensure safety and reliability (due to our filming schedule we cannot perform any additional work on this car or build it for you). The winning bidder may have the option of coming to the shop to pick up the car on the show.If you're looking for solid 1975 Chevy Camaro Project, you won't find better example that's priced to sell! This would be perfect for Cruise Night, Advertising and Promotional use or as kick ass addition to your collection, you decide!NO TITLEBILL OF SALE ONLY** please check with your freight forwarder for quote from Dallas TX 75229 as we sell Internationally as well as locally and will end the auction when it sells. Low feedback bidders (less than 5) please send good contact number and email address BEFORE you bid! $500 non-refundable deposit is required through PayPal only within 24 hours of auction closing with the balance due with days by CASH, CHECK or BANK WIRE ONLY!   Photos About Us “I’ve been obsessed with cars since… was born.” Richard Rawlings had car by age fourteen, and had gone through nearly twenty cars by the time he was out of high school. His father worked three jobs his whole life-two to make ends meet for the family, and one to buy toys. Neither mechanic nor fabricator, his father took pride in his car collection. Needless to say, this stayed with Richard. Rawlings was always working, and always chasing pipe dreams. By twenty-one, he’d been cop, fireman, and medic. But he wanted more. After rough stint of sleeping on his sister’s couch, he got his act together and entered the world of trading sales. Here he solidified his business savvy, and went on to build an advertising and printing firm from the ground up. The company grew to become “juggernaut” in the Dallas area. mere four years later, the company sold, and with that money Gas Monkey Garage was born. Aaron Kaufman worked at shop Rawlings frequented, and loved the stuff Rawlings brought in for him. Kaufman always went above and beyond for him. When Gas Monkey opened, Rawlings called him up and asked if he wanted to work for him. The premise was simple: Rawlings wanted the fastest, most expensive, most badass hot rod shop to be found, with apparel and show on Discovery to boot. Kaufman thought he was crazy, but signed on anyway. Eight years later, the shop is all that and more. They owe their success to strict business model. They don’t buy parts-only whole models without too much rust. Owing to his business background, Rawlings has handle on the market, and knows the price he ought to pay. In ninety days or less, the job will be done, whether they start with decent model or carcass. Then it’s onto the next job without hesitation. If finished car sits too long, Rawlings will sell it at loss. He’s interested in killer operation, not stockpile. Their roles within the shop are clear. Rawlings is first and foremost an entrepreneur. He wants to sell style, push brand, and make sure Gas Monkey Garage never stops growing. Kaufman runs the shop, armed with his mastery of mechanics, electrics, and fabrication. The dynamic is vital, the common ground being their mutual love of classic cars. Rawlings has always been an old soul when it comes to cars, and his style has brought in steady flow of clientele who trust his no-B.S. methods. “Anyone can go out and buy Ferrari.” Rawlings’ dream car? “A 1932 Ford Roadster-the holy grail of hot rods.” Warranty Information This vehicle is being sold as is, where is with no warranty, expressed written or implied. The seller shall not be responsible for the correct description, authenticity, genuineness, or defects herein, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. No allowance or set aside will be made on account of any incorrectness, imperfection, defect or damage. Any descriptions or representations are for identification purposes only and are not to be construed as warranty of any type. It is the responsibility of the buyer to have thoroughly inspected the vehicle, and to have satisfied himself or herself as to the condition and value and to bid based upon that judgement solely. The seller shall and will make every reasonable effort to disclose any known defects associated with this vehicle at the buyer's request prior to the close of sale. Seller assumes no responsibility for any repairs regardless of any oral statements about the vehicle. Terms Conditions We sell internationally as well as locally and we reserve the right to end the Auction if it sells. We can assist with shipping logistics. If you have less than feedbacks please send your contact info by “asking seller question” BEFORE bidding. See all pics and email us with any questions you may have. PayPal deposit required within 24 hours, Full payment required within days. Home Show Garage Merch Garage Talk Inventory Live Cam Contact (972) 243-6659 Email Us 2340 Merrell Rd X, Dallas, TX 75229

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